Lovely Lenny Lizard

Welcome to Lovely Lenny Lizard LLC!

Come for the adorable reptiles, stay for the experience and knowledge. Our mission at Lovely Lenny Lizard is to educate, rescue, support and spread the joy of reptiles and reptile keeping. We educate about the best practices for keeping reptiles, advocate for rescues, support one another as well as organizations that fight for our rights as reptile keepers within the United States and share the joys of owning a reptile.

Make yourself at home, all are welcome!

Lovely Lenny Lizard started out on Instagram as a place to share our stories and make people smile. We are now branching out to do the same thing on a bigger scale. Read up on common reptile topics, questions, husbandry, and more here on our Educational Center Page. You’ll find articles that benefit you and your reptile companion!


Lovely Lenny Lizard started out on Instagram as a place to share our stories and make people smile. We are now branching out to do the same thing on a bigger scale. Read up on common reptile topics, questions, husbandry, and more here on our Educational Center Page. You’ll find articles that benefit you and your reptile companion!


What we do

Our Mission

Our mission at Lovely Lenny Lizard is to educate, rescue, support, and spread the joy of reptiles and reptile keeping.

How do we do that?


Education is key. You can save a life with a little knowledge! We are here to educate you about the best practices for keeping reptiles. In this day and age of google, there’s tons of information out on the web. We are constantly learning and adapting what is best for their care. We do our best to keep you updated on the newest and most accurate information. With research before purchase, we hope to minimize the need to surrender animals.


We advocate for rescues! While we are not against breeding we know there is a need to care for all those currently without a forever home. Unfortunately, it is all too common for people to impulse buy these magnificent creatures. Once at home they realize they don’t have the correct setup, space, or money to properly care for them. They quickly find themselves surrendering the reptile. Rescues are overflowing due to this and they need our help.


In the reptile community, we support one another and organizations like USARK which help to fight for our rights as reptile keepers within the United States. We assist GoFundMe campaigns for reptiles who need surgery in our community and donate to non-profit reptile organizations. Support is more than financial. It is being there for someone else in need. We support asking any questions you have about how to care for your reptile better.

The Joy of Keeping

There are so many stigmas about owning a reptile. We are here to create a positive atmosphere where everyone is welcome. There are many joys of owning a reptile. Lovely Lenny Lizard started out as simple pictures and videos that made folks smile. We don’t want to lose that part of us. We are here to spread the joy and love that comes with these incredible critters.

Meet our

Reptile Crew

Meet our

Reptile Crew

Lovely Lenny Loo

Lenny Loo is a rescued bearded dragon adopted in 2019 by her forever family. She is a gateway reptile, opening the door for all the other reptiles in her forever home to come after. She came seemingly without any medical issues and in really good condition. A few years into her new home she started having eggbound issues. Two spay surgeries later she is thriving! Follow her story and give yourself a reason to smile!


Sol is a rescued bearded dragon adopted in 2021. He was found outside on the pavement in a development. Sol had mites, missing toes, a bulging left eye, clogged femoral pores, and was underweight. We believe he was thrown outside by his previous owner. He has a visual impairment but continues to daily overcome his disabilities. Follow his story for your daily dose of encouragement!


Caliban is a rescued crested gecko adopted in 2020 during the pandemic. Caliban came to his forever family at 27 grams (his weight should have been between 40-55 grams.) He was severely emaciated and dehydrated. Due to a lack of food and water, Caliban also came with trust issues. He lived only in his vivarium, never coming out, for a whole year without being handled or touched. Today he jumps at the chance to be held and is at a healthy weight of 55 grams! Follow his story and be reminded that even on the brink of death you can come back and thrive.


Like What We Do?

Help us continue our mission by giving in your own way!

There are so many different ways to give and support something you believe in. I have often been asked, “How can I help?”.

Here are three great ways!

You can give of your finances, give of your time, and give your support.

You can donate to Lovely Lenny Lizard by a fun link we have called Buy Lenny a Hornworm in which you can donate directly to our critters treat fund. If you do, you will most likely get a photo and a thank you from the critter that received the treat from your donation. We try to make it fun!

Sharing costs no money just a little bit of your time! If you like what we do please tell others! Share our website, our Instagram and Facebook page. If you know a new reptile owner share the information you found here. Let’s beat ignorance in this hobby and save a life!

Want a little something for yourself? Head to our shop! We have so many great designs that are reptile specific for you and your friends to enjoy! If you have purchasd it, be sure to review it! It only takes a second but it helps so many! Thanks for your time and support!


Like What We Do?

Help us continue our mission by giving in your own way!

You can donate to Lovely Lenny Lizard by a fun link we have called Buy Lenny a Hornworm in which you can donate directly to our critters treat fund. If you do, you will most likely get a photo and a thank you from the critter that received the treat from your donation. We try to make it fun!

Sharing costs no money just a little bit of your time! If you like what we do please tell others! Share our website, our Instagram and Facebook page. If you know a new reptile owner share the information you found here. Let’s beat ignorance in this hobby and save a life!

Want a little something for yourself? Head to our shop! We have so many great designs that are reptile specific for you and your friends to enjoy! If you have purchasd it, be sure to review it! It only takes a second but it helps so many! Thanks for your time and support!

About us

Whose the Human Behind the Dragon?



Hello and Welcome! My name is Amber and I am the owner and operator of Lovely Lenny Lizard. I started as a humble reptile keeper to a rescued bearded dragon named Lenny. From there, with my husband, I took in just a “few” more rescued reptiles and became a foster parent for our local reptile rescue.


As the years have gone by, I have welcomed many questions from beginner reptile keepers. In doing so I noticed repetitive questions continually being asked and wanted to create a place where I could send folks as a resource. Thus, Lovely Lenny Lizard was born. I hope you enjoy your stay, find what you are looking for, and share with friends!


Most of all I hope you get to snuggle a reptile today!