Today’s feature: Charlotte’s Axolotls!

As we spoke about in our last article one of Lovely Lenny Lizards’ core values is to SUPPORT our reptile

community. In doing so, we will feature a small business within the reptile community each Saturday!

We will spotlight one small business that we believe is an asset to the reptile community and should be

commended for their hard work. Here at Lovely Lenny Lizard, we believe every Saturday is

Small Business Saturday and we want to show them our support! Please join us as we get to know

them better and maybe introduce you to a small business you didn’t know about.

We hope you show your support by liking their posts, following their pages, and shopping

in their stores! Without further ado, let’s get to know Charlotte’s Axoltols and how they

contribute to the reptile community!

~When did you start your small business?

“I started out with one Axolotl from a local business after going to an expo and being disappointed in not getting a chance to meet any axolotl breeders I found fish feathers paws and claws and got my first axolotl, but they only were limited to wild and Lucy. I really wanted to get a better variety and I eventually found comfort in ordering online with a breeder. She and I kept in contact and talked quite frequently about different things to do with the Axolotls and my interest was always sparked by conversations that we would have about the different processes involved in being an Axolotl breeder. She had some health issues and she stopped breeding but she was trying to have me take over her business. I couldn’t afford it at the time, but was very intrigued by the process, on her way out she gave me some eggs just to start me out and see how I would do and she helped work me through the process of taking care of my first set of eggs. Then my interest was sparked and I started hatching eggs from different breeders and worked with some locals to rehome them. I started with 10 to 15 moved up to 60 sometimes now. I have also over the years found some mentorship in some great breeders such as Siserah Aquatic Escapes and Northern Axolotls. I have done one breeding cycle through their guidance and hope to have another this coming fall.”

~What was your motivation to do so?

“I had started hatching out a small number of babies since I had

struggled so much to find them locally to myself. “

~How has your business grown over time? 

“I  have gone from 10-20 eggs up 60 babies at a time now also

incorporating some rescues as well”  

~What would you like all your customers and potential customers to take away from supporting your small business?

 “A better knowledge of how to care for their own Axolotls and any they

may run into in their future.” 

~What is your favorite item to create and sell?

“The love of these beautiful creatures in the young ones I encountered

that didn’t know these beautiful Axolotls are real-life creatures.” 

~What drives you to continue?

“Seeing so many people educating themselves to better care for the

stunning beauties.” 

~What’s the most challenging thing about running your own small business?

“Not giving up on the hard days. These babies need so much time and

dedication it can be a lot to also try and grow your social media for

them while growing them as well.” 

~If you knew how much work goes into a small business at the start, would you do it again?

“I would have come at it from a different angle but I am happy with how

both myself and my business have grown over the past few years.”

~How do you wish your business would grow?

 “I hope to grow a better following to help stead the word on how to

better care for my majestic Axolotls.” 

~What is your advice for a new small business just starting out?

“Use all your resources there’s a wealth of free assistance for small

businesses starting out. I used a university of business students to get

my business started out on the legal front while I worked on the fun

side of it on my own. There’s also a great league of women out there

helping other female entrepreneurs succeed!! Find your people and

grow through them!”

Lovely Lenny Lizard would like to thank the owner of Charlotte’s Axolotl’s for their interview today. If you

would like to purchase from their store please see the Website and Facebook links within the post and

be sure to follow them on Instagram! Already purchased an axolotl from them? Let us know in the comments

which box you purchased and share a photo with us on Instagram and Facebook!

Please Like, Follow, and SHARE!

We hope you have enjoyed our Small Business Saturday Spotlight.

Please come back next Saturday for another Spotlight!

If you are interested in being interviewed please reach out to us! We would be happy to speak with you!

Thanks as always for your SUPPORT! We can’t do what we do without YOU!

Lots of Love,

Lenny Loo and Crew